The decision on the future of the National Football Museum in Preston was made today and it seems the decision has somehow managed to make the people in charge look even more greedy, stupid and spineless. They could have kept it in Preston - the main argument they had regarding money to sustain it has been overcome. Unsuprisingly it was the councils of Preston and Lancashire as well as the University of Central Lancs that plugged the £400,000 gap. Whilst in the background the likes of the FA and football league pass judgement without providing any financial backing. Thus, money is no longer the issue and its now tourism that is the argument. If that was the case the sensible decision from their point of view is to move to the Urbis centre. Is this what they've decided....as if. Instead we have this ridiculous decision to 'split' the museum to two sites.
The Lancashire evening post reports it from this perspective, but the reality of it is that Manchester takes all the incredible artefacts such as the 1966 World Cup match ball. As for the future of the Preston site, it will undoubtedly be used as nothing more than a warehouse. Once again Manchester will appear the saviour, the fantastic centre of Football that the country apparently 'craves' whilst Preston will be dismissed and once again tourism for anywhere other than the big cities will be given a huge kick in the teeth.
We could take slight solace from the 'share' if all seemed legitimate, but try telling Manchester that they're sharing the museum when you see their report on the exact same decision "National Football Museum To Move To Urbis"
All in all its a complete joke, everything has been based on lies, deceit and contradiction. Once again the public are overlooked and ignored whilst the bigwigs show themselves to be spineless and ignorant. If money was the big problem that initiated this move then WHY ARE THEY KEEPING A 2ND BASE IN PRESTON ASWELL AS SPENDING ANOTHER £8 MILLION TO UPGRADE THE MANCHESTER SITE??
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