Richard Keys and Andy Gray the Sky commentators caught making derogatory remarks about female assistant referee Sian Massey have now apologised for their comments. Their sexist comments about the assistant understanding the offside rule seem at first out of order, unprofessional and immature. They generalise by saying “women don’t know the offside rule”, which is obviously a daft comment that in the end is spur of the moment. They should be more than wary of their positions as respected pundits for such a global business that looks to their comments and opinions as a worthwhile verdict on a game or decision. Okay, for these two they thought the microphone was off – lets just say it was an elementary mistake that they wont make again.
But lets replace the two with Dave and Mark, two fans sat in the stands or in front of the TV who see exactly the same incident and one turns to the other and comments on the ‘linos’ need for a proper understanding of the offside rule. Later when they watch it on Match of the Day they realise they were wrong, fair play to the lineman (or woman in this case) and carry on watching the game. Football fans whether commentators, pundits or loyal supporters love nothing more than watching games and scrutinising decisions. We love it, it makes us feel like we could be the referee, linesperson, manager etc its part of that wonderful inbred love of the game we have here in England, that we all want and think of ourselves as experts. These are the sort of everyday comments that wouldn’t so much as get a smirk out of a crowd of football loving fans in a pub nowadays. I’m not just talking about men either, most women fans would see it as a joke, a cheap ribbing that’s part of our culture.
In the end Sky TV are going to cover their backsides and apologise profusely, they’ve already withdrawn the two from coverage tonight. But the executives, fellow presenters and behind the scenes staff will all be laughing off the situation. Why? Because that’s all it is, a daft mistake and joke that shouldn’t have been aired but has got into the public domain. Are the wives, mothers and children of Andy and Richard going to abandon them over it? Are they hell. Are football fans, other sport fans or ordinary people going about their business going to be deeply affected and shocked by this whole saga – Not one bit. The only people jumping on it now are feminists and high ranking women in sport. Any excuse for a moan, a chance to push their egocentric agendas to make them feel all modern day WI. I respect Karren Brady, I think she does a great job in football and is a great asset to the game. But I can’t help but cringe when she jumps on the bandwagon trying to keep this non-starter of a campaign going with comments such as “I don't think any of the comments were anything other than sexism”.
I’m all for women progressing in football if they’re just as fit, attentive and knowledgeable about the rules of the game as all male officials. If they pass the necessary levels of testing as the other males have then every credit to them they deserve their place in the elite of officiating. But lets not get carried away and turn this whole stupid incident into another sexist argument where all males are apparently against women in football.